Symphonic Line
Next adventures of music
Rolf Gemein exhibits:
- Frankfurter Hifi Days 2024, 19. bis 20. Oktober, Steigenberger Airport Hotel, Salon 4
- North German Hifi Days 2025, 01. and 02.02.2025, Hamburg Hotel Le Meridien, Room 202, 1. and 2. Februar 2025
- High End in Munich MOC: Mai/2025, Hall 3, from 15. to 18. Mai 2025
- It is possible to purchase demonstration equipment.
- South Germany Hifi Days 2025, Stuttgart 20. and 21.09.2025, Hotel Le Meridien Stuttgart
- High End 2026 Vienna Austria May 28-31th
I'll be glad to welcome you!
High-End Munich 2024

Lite Magazin 2023 CD Referenz
lite-magazin: test verdict 2023: Der CD-Player Reference MK 3.
analogue perfection
Kraft 300

lite-Magazin 7/2023
lite-magazin: Juli/2023: Test Kraft 300 MK 3 Edition Class A.
…exquisite acoustic presence…the pure side of power

40 years anniversary High End Society

lite-magazin: 2022 Test RG 10 MK 5 Reference HD Master S

Stereo December 2022
Test RG 14 Edition MK 5 "S":
Fascination - total work of art - forever young.
Price-quality: absolute amazing
Hifi Sound & Music Neu 4-2022: Test La Musica Edition
Magic has a name ...
2021 is the 40th anniversary of the "Kraft 100 Class A" from my first manufactory Vernissage.
It was published on the front page of Volume 1 of "The Ear" Magazine from Klaus Renner, January 1982.
Klaus like myself was an original cofunding partner of the "High-End".
40 years of artisan handmade-evolution to "Kraft 300 Class A", masterpieces that are completely dedicated to my love for music. The live likeness an energy of the Kraft amplifier - just as in life itself and in future of the total new mind of our earth and mankind. The flow of richness and fullness results in strength and growth. With music and open heart you can step into your own next dimension.
Wishing all of you the very best.
Rolf Gemein
40 years of artisan handmade-evolution to "Kraft 300 Class A", masterpieces that are completely dedicated to my love for music. The live likeness an energy of the Kraft amplifier - just as in life itself and in future of the total new mind of our earth and mankind. The flow of richness and fullness results in strength and growth. With music and open heart you can step into your own next dimension.
Wishing all of you the very best.
Rolf Gemein
Preview of the new "Kraft 300 Stereo"

Summaries of Tests

Symphonic Line RG 10 Reference HD Master
Test Hifi-Stars 3/2015: world class!
Test Audio 1/2016: ... he is a masterpiece

Symphonic Line High End-Manufaktur, founded 1984 of High End-Pionier Rolf Gemein.
Test reports:
Hörerlebnis: Kraftwerk MK3 Reference
HiFiVision: RG14 MK5 Edition
Hörerlebnis: Kraftwerk MK3 Reference
... he has revealed sounds I have never heard before.
HiFiVision: RG14 MK5 Edition
For some reason, the reproduction of the voice in the RG14 MK5 gets under the skin, into the spinal cord, into the heart or even into the soul. It's just all right, it doesn't sound angular, not soft, not strained, not ostensible and certainly not soft-ironed.
Wir stellen feinste HiFi-Komponenten in Handarbeit mit besten Bauteilen und großartiger Klangfülle her. Viele Komponenten sind beliebte Arbeitsgeräte von HiFi-Redaktionen und Entwicklern.
Alle Geräte können nach Jahrzehnten modifiziert und einem Update unterzogen werden.
Mein Hauptziel: höchster Klanggenuss und Freude mit Symphonic Line - bei Ihnen zuhause.
Alle Geräte können nach Jahrzehnten modifiziert und einem Update unterzogen werden.
Mein Hauptziel: höchster Klanggenuss und Freude mit Symphonic Line - bei Ihnen zuhause.

Letzte Änderung am Freitag, 13. Dezember 2024 um 10:38:19 Uhr.

Norddeutsche Hifi-Tage 2023