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  • RG5 MK4
  • RG5 Ausführung Baß
  • RG5 Reference
  • Belcanto MK2
Abbildung ähnlich
Abbildung ähnlich

Floor standing two-way-loudspeaker. 24,5 cm Görlich aluminium bass driver, the fastest dynamic driver in
the world. Modular crossover, WBT binding posts. Sensitivity: 91 dB, impedance 8 Ohms, weight: 85 lbs,
height: I 00 cm. MDF enclosure with beautiful mother of pearl or coloured laquer finishes: handmade
according to special order. Very exclusice design in performance, finish and technical quality. Renders a
convincing impression of the first wave front. See picture at last side.

Westdeutsche Hifi-Tage in Bonn 2014.
Die Hörer sind fasziniert und tief berührt von der fast dreidimensionalen Musikabbildung und Live-Atmosphäre bei der Symphonic-Line-Vorführung. Selbst im Flur klingt es noch toll.

* All prices are included sales tax of 19%.
Custom duty are not included.

Abbildung ähnlich
Abbildung ähnlich

The same loudspeaker but 2 cm smaller, 17 cm Görlich aluminium bass driver.

* All prices are included sales tax of 19%.
Custom duty are not included.

Floorstanding, 20 cm Görlich bass driver with the genious air motion transformer. (Picture on page 3)
Reference A wonder of nature sound and vibrations

* All prices are included sales tax of 19%.
Custom duty are not included.

Totally new construction, single handcrafted, two ways, wooden cabinet, color as you like.
Same fine acoustic but with much more power for big orchestral sound or as you like .
Ability to adjust the High Tweeter for every kind of room, with a new dimension of air motion transformer.
The soundstage is three-dimensional, you can touch the musician with your hands.
Dimensions L, W, H. : 120 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm, Weight 50 kg.

Am Ende eines langen Weges sieht sich Rolf Gemein, Gründer und Chefentwickler von Symphonic Line. Mit seiner in jahrelanger Detailarbeit entwickelten Referenzbox Belcanto Mk 2 ist er nach eigener Aussage so nah dran am Original wie nie zuvor. Ein kurzer, spontan organisierter Hörtest in den Räumen des Meisters offenbarte eine faszinierend echte räumliche Abbildung und schier grenzenlose dynamische Fähigkeiten der Lautsprecher fürs Konzerterlebnis daheim.

* All prices are included sales tax of 19%.
Custom duty are not included.